Jun 20Liked by Fabrice Houdart

Regarding the concern about pinkwashing in Gaza, this goes both ways. It is not difficult to understand anyone's concern for Palestinians in Gaza, but it is difficult to comprehend the utilization and even misappropriation of pride in campus protests, when it comes without any expression of concern about the specific concerns and disproportionate risks that LGBTQI+ people face from especially harsh persecution by Hamas.

An example to illustrate this can be found in the recent statement of our friends at ILGA, addressing Gaza ahead of the Human Rights Council session which began on Tuesday. You would be hard pressed to find any statement from ILGA on any other situation that doesn't involve specific concerns about LGBTQI+ people (i.e., you'll find more statements about homophobic legislation in Uganda or similar situations with specific concerns for LGBTQI+ people etc.). Worse yet, while addressing Gaza, ILGA doesn't take the opportunity to address the specific threats to LGBTQI+ people, beyond the general population, only noting in one word that they are criminalized. The World Congress of LGBTQ+ Jews expressed some concerns about ILGA's statement here:


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I know Yoni. The greatest risk to queer people right now is our tendency for oversimplification. This is not only the case for Gaza but also on trans medical care or Brunei. Queer people have found themselves unable to articulate complex thoughts on complex situations.

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